By Staff Reporter
AN escalation in criminality involving guns has prompted the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to issue a fresh firearms amnesty to all illegal holders of weapons and ammunition.
Police said individuals and institutions possessing illegal firearms and ammunition must surrender them under a newly launched amnesty order, which runs from September 1 until the end of the month.
In a statement Tuesday, ZRP national spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi urged holders of unlicensed firearms to take advantage of the grace period to avoid potential arrest.
The facility is also extended to licensed firearm holders without renewed firearm certificates or notified authorities of changes in their residential or business addresses.
The amnesty is part of ongoing efforts to curb the proliferation of illegal weapons, some of which have been used in criminal activity, particularly armed robberies.
“Police have noted that some members of the public are in possession of firearms and ammunition yet are not licensed or authorised to have such weapons. This has led to the abuse of firearms in the country, in clear violation of the provisions of the Firearms Act, Chapter 10:09.
“As previously done in the years 2022 and 2023, the public and relevant institutions are reminded and urged to go to the nearest police stations and formally surrender all firearms,” said Nyathi.
The call to surrender firearms is directed at various groups, including companies that have ceased operations, farmers, miners, hunters and individuals who are no longer in the same position that warranted their initial firearm certification.
Nyathi also urged the relatives of deceased firearm licence holders to surrender any firearms that may be in their possession without proper authorisation.
He said unregistered firearms obtained through smuggling, among other means, should be surrendered to the State for destruction or registration.
He also noted that gun dealers, gun clubs and security companies holding unclaimed or redundant firearms should also comply with the amnesty and turn in these weapons to the ZRP National Armoury for destruction by the State.
“Gun dealers or gun clubs holding unclaimed firearms that were surrendered to them for safe keeping for a considerable long period should be surrendered to the State. Security companies holding on to redundant firearms should be surrendered to the Zimbabwe Republic Police National Armoury for destruction by the State,” he said.
The amnesty is part of a broader strategy to reduce the number of illegal firearms in circulation, thereby mitigating the risk of firearm-related crimes.
He said police will be conducting physical checks and verifications on residential and business premises suspected of harbouring illegal firearms.
Added Nyathi, “In the same vein, all licensed firearm owners are implored to visit local police stations and update their records in compliance with the Firearms Act Chapter 10:09.”
In September 2022, 580 unregistered firearms were surrendered while an undisclosed number was brought forward last year.