Short Story Award – Win 100$ as a prize
Deadline: September 15, 2021
Eligibility: Young people from all countries aged between 18-30
Official website: Parlayaq
Parlayaq Foundation announces a Short Story Competition for all young people in the world. Write about your career motivation, why did you choose the specific area and how you want to help your people, country and the world, and get many benefits from Parlayaq. The winning story will be awarded $100 and publication on Parlayaq website. Second and third place stories will be published and awarded $50 and $20 respectively. All the stories, meeting the eligibility requirements, will be judged by independent experts and Parlayaq team. Apart from getting recognition and prize, you will also get a chance to increase your visibility for international projects and something to add to your motivation letters and/or CV.
Eligibility requirements
Stories under 700 words (Indicate word count at the end of your paper)
Only previously unpublished stories (All submitted texts will be checked for plagiarism with other texts on the Internet through special database)
Submissions are accepted only in English
Submissions are accepted only in PDF (How to convert Word to PDF)
Use 12 point font and double space in your answer
The topic for story: Your career motivation
How to apply
You can apply for this opportunity until September 15, 2021, 10 AM (CET). Send your story in PDF named with your name and surname to Please write “My Career Motivation; your Name and Surname” to the subject of e-mail. A short list of potential winners will be contacted by 20 September 2021 and online interviews will be held in late September and early October 2021. Your story is expected to be published in October 2021.
As Parlayaq strives for equal opportunities and inclusion, everyone is encouraged to apply.