We note with concern the malicious and defamatory statement circulating on WhatsApp accusing President Linda Tsungirirai Masarira of loose morals. It is sad that we still have people in our country who choose to attack women leaders by vilifying them and painting them with a black brush to discredit them politically.
Differing in political opinion, preference and ideology doesn’t mean enmity and neither should it attract ridicule, name-calling, sexually and emotionally abusive statements against anyone either male or female. President Masarira is on record fighting for the protection of all women leaders on social media spaces against propaganda.
Besides being a politician and a leader of a Political party, President Masarira is a Grandmother, mother, wife, sister and relative to her family, she has in-laws and followers who look up to her and those responsible for such fabrications should introspect and be human enough to respect the fact that Madam Masarira has a life beyond politics.
When Sithokozile Chamisa was attacked on social media, Linda Masarira came guns out in defense of a fellow woman who was being denigrated by social media abusers. She has been a pillar of strength for thousands of women facing abuse and the least we can do is to stand in solidarity and support of this great woman who has bravely stood firm in her beliefs in this male-dominated political terrain.
We condemn any form of violence against any woman under the sun. Cyberbullying and the spreading of malicious and defamatory statements is a crime. We encourage women to support Linda Masarira as she sues all the spreaders of false and defamatory statements and cyber abuse.
People should stop portraying women in leadership as sex objects, that whenever they want to settle political scores they create false stories of nonexistent sexual activities. This is not the first time such statements have circulated. Fadzayi Mahere hasn’t been spared from this type of abuse as well and it is time that all women in leadership rise up and speak with one voice against cyberbullying.
Wathinta umfazi Wathinta imbokodo.
Rosline Ncube
LEAD National Secretary for Information and Publicity
+263 71 340 7597