A wise man once said life is what happens when you are busy making other plans. We make decisions but later those decisions make us. Motivation is an important aspect of human life and can be said it is part of our social needs
Florence Mudzingwa is an upcoming female author who is living with disabilities and the book ‘’The Art of Living Your Dreams” is her first book which was launched on the ninth of October 2021.
In her book, she wrote about her life. It’s an inspiration to those who believe that disability is not inability, to those who have given up because they think they are cursed due to a disability.
It explores how the author dealt with the downs of her life demonstrating courage, hope, and determination.
The author said with the pandemic she realized that lockdown came with a lot of challenges including depression and some even committing suicide. She decided to share her life experiences so that she could at least let people know how important it is to be self-aware and not depend on validation from other people.
The author strongly agrees with the statement that disability is not inability, she said that she is looking forward to writing other books in the near future.
Florence Mudzingwa is also a holder of a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Counselling, Digital Marketer, and Qualified Top Flight Secretary.