Heroes Day is a day of remembrance to commemorate the commitment of Zimbabweans to the struggle for Independence. Today we remember the gallant daughters and sons of the soil who perished during the war of liberation.
The onus is on us now to ensure that the struggle they fought for is achieved. The fallen heroes fought for majority rule, land and socioeconomic justice. Yes, we attained majority rule, we have the land yet over half of the population of Zimbabwe is living in poverty.
As the President of Labour Economists and Afrikan Democrats, I urge all Zimbabweans regardless of political affiliation, race, tribe or gender to unite in our diversity and identify with the concept of nationalism. We need to put Zimbabwe first beyond our own personal aspirations.
It is imperative to recognize that there is need for the youths of this generation to father the nation today and not tomorrow. The liberators of this country were young girls and boys yet 41 years after independence the youth of this country remain marginalized without equal opportunities to create wealth.
We recognize the significance of the liberation struggle and the contributions of the war veterans who waged it. LEAD is not ignorant of the reasons that drove many gallant sons and daughters of the soil into various jungles to fight exclusion, oppression and repression to ensure a free Democratic sovereign state.
We recognize the founding values and principles of Zimbabwe in reference to section 3 of our constitution. We, the disciplined members of LEAD pledge to fight to safeguard the gains of the liberation struggle and to ensure that Zimbabwe becomes an egalitarian society.
It is important for all Zimbabweans to pledge to uphold and defend the supremacy of the constitution of Zimbabwe.
As we commemorate this day, we should understand that there should be room for the youth in national discourse as directed by section 20 of our constitution and that there should be social mobility in this land of our ancestors. Our fathers fought for this country so that we can enjoy; therefore, we should enjoy!
Young people from the age of 10 selflessly sacrificed their lives to liberate Zimbabwe. The onus is upon this generation of young people to emulate the brave acts of the young people who spearheaded the liberation of Zimbabwe in 1980.
LEAD resolved to stand up against any further undermining and privatisation of the liberation struggle. We refuse any form of discrimination and inequality based on tribe, race, disability or sex but to promote a culture of inclusion and unity of purpose.
In the spirit of Ubuntu we, the LEAD family are committed to restoring the family legacy believing that we, the current generation are responsible for shaping the future of this country. We are all Zimbabwean and equal, therefore we all deserve to live in peace, joy and happiness. Our children should never again have to be second class citizens in their own country.
As we celebrate the liberation heroes today, we celebrate all our doctors and nurses on the Frontline who have been working tirelessly with the covid-19 patients. We salute you and appreciate your sacrifices.
We remain patriotic and will remain united in our resolve to build Zimbabwe into a strong nation not divided along any false ideologies.
No one should be allowed to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle.
Therefore we are determined to ensure that we restore the true legacy of Zimbabwe. A legacy of unity of purpose to ensure sustainable human development and economic growth.
We all have a responsibility to rebuild Zimbabwe and to leave a legacy for our children, grandchildren and great grand children.
Happy Heroes Day Zimbabweans.
Linda Tsungirirai Masarira
*LEAD President*