The Harare Magistrate Stanford Mambanje on Tuesday 30 March 2021 remanded Ken Sharpe , Pokugara Properties and suspended Town clerk Hosiah Chisango for malicious demage to property of a show house in the leaf Borrowdale suburb.
The said will be remanded out of custody and are set to appear before the courts on the 26th for trials.
Meanwhile a warrant of arrest has been issued for Isiah Zvenyika Chawatama for his faillure to show up and is allegedly believed to be on the run.
The developments follows a summon issued to the said culprits some time last week.
The summon issued by the High Court reveals that sometime between July 2018 and October 2018, at lot 9 of 21 on concolidated number 19559 of 19828 on Harare Township corner Teviotdale and Whitwell in Borrowdale, Michael Van Blerk, Mandla Marlone Ndebele, Hosiah Chisango, Isiah Zvenyika Chawatama, Samuel Nyabezi, Lasten Taonezvi and Ken Sharpe , who is still at large destroyed a show house constructed by Katsimberis, one or more of them, knowing that Georgios Katsimberis is entitled to own, possess or control any property or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that another person may be so entitled, damaged or destroyed the property intending to cause such damage or destruction,” reads the summons.
Embattled Pokugara Properties director Michael John Van Blerk.
Alternatively, Chisango, Chawatama, Nyabezi and Taonezvi face criminal abuse of office charges for falsely claiming that there were no approved plans. Katsimberis maintains that he holds evidence that proves otherwise.
Suspended Harare City Clerk Engineer Hosiah Abraham Abraham Chisango.
Chisango in his capacity and also representing City of Harare.
The accused allegedly acted in common purpose and demolished Georgios Katsimberis’ Show house which had an approved plan without advising the complainant.
Pokugara Properties manager ,Mandla Marlon Ndebele.
Van Blerk, Ndebele and Sharpe are also in trouble for failing or refusing to disclose that the stand in question was built with approved plans and for failing to caution Katsimberis of the demolition before undertaking such a drastic measure.