By Jimmy Wailer.
1) Shona people are the biggest tribe in Southern Africa. They are even bigger than all Zulus and the whole of Botswana populatiom combined together.
2)Shona people are the ones who built all stone Ruins in and around Zimbabwe together with their main brother tribe the Venda tribe about 2000 years ago.
3) First group of Shona people were the Rozvi who are of Moyo totem also known as Madzimbahwe for their great stone structures. They are also referred to as Venevenyika for they are the first people to inhabit the land between Zambezi and Limpopo.
4) First group of these Rozvi people were 2 families of 2 brothers whose grandfather Mushore lived in Tanganyika which is present day Tanzania. The 2 brothers were Mushona and Mbiru. Mushona gave birth to 8 boys who became heads of 8 Moyo or Rozvi clans including Chirandu, Ziruvi and Dhewa. Mbiru moved further down and formed his civilisation whose language further evolved sounding different from the one of Mushona’s family, the language is known as Venda. There are more dialects still emerging the same way from Shona language like recent Hwesa dialect.
5) South African Nguni tribes especially Zulu carry 70% Shona people’s DNA and 30% DNA of the Khoi-khoi people from the deserts around Botswana which explains why Zulu language is made up of more than 60% Shona vocabulary and about 30%+ hiss and click vocabulary of the Khoi.
6)Archeological evidence proves that Nguni civilisations only date back to about 1040years ago. A couple of centuries before that it was reported that Rozvi people had decided to disperse from the now ruins like Great Zimbabwe creating new totems of animals for agricultural and game conservative reasons among other reasons. That is when the Khoi started taking Shona and Venda women since the Rozvi people had now spread across the land which happened to be a hunting ground for the Khoi.
7) Later Nehanda spirit led another group of people from great lakes across Zambezi who spoke a dialect that was relative to the ones spoken by the Rozvi people. The spirit possessed mediums in Mushawatu(Mushavanhu) family of Mhofu(Eland) totem.
8) Another spirit by the name Tovera that possessed mediums of Soko(Monkey) totem also led another group of people into the land. Again these people had the same origin as the Rozvi and Mhofu.
9) These 3 groups are tracable back to as far as Sudan and they are originally Nubians and the Rozvi being decendants of ancient Nubian raiders who once conquered Egypt and ruled as Egyptian 25th dynasty. This also explains why Rozvi stoneworks carry the same art as Nubian pyramids.
10) Rozvi civilisations easily grew and thrived by accommodating people from all walks of life which earned them a title name Bvumavaranda. This is one of the fine characters of Shona people today. They are peaceful and accommodating to all the people reguardless of race, colour or language as long as they are willing to join and embrace the spirit of being Mazimbahwe.